Commencement 2025: Sunday, May 18, at XL Center, downtown Hartford
The application deadline for those planning to graduate in May was Friday, Feb. 14. Late applications are being accepted through March 7.
Congratulations! We can't wait to celebrate your achievements.
Before we celebrate at Commencement, there are a few steps you need to take.
Steps to Commencement
Application Process
Applications are available through Self-Service by clicking on Student Main Menu, Student Academic Records, and Graduation Application. Please be sure to complete the Supplemental Questionnaire when submitting your application to complete the process. Once submitted, your evaluator will review it and if approved, it will be sent to the Registrar’s office. (Please do not contact the Registrar to check on receipt or status of your degree application but instead check with your school/college evaluator.)
Be sure to check the Commencement website regularly for updates regarding the May 2025 ceremonies.
Questions or concerns? Please email
There are three graduation periods each academic year:
- September
- January
- May
Deadline dates for filing your degree application are in July, October, and February, respectively. Please note that May degree recipients who do not file their degree application by the deadline date may not have their name listed in the Commencement program.
Commencement ceremonies are held in May with all degree recipients from that academic year (September, January, May) eligible to participate.
Application Fees
There is a fee for graduate students and part-time undergraduate students of $208, which is payable at the time the degree application is submitted. The fee for applications received after the filing deadline is $225.
If the degree candidate has paid the fee and does not graduate at the end of the initial semester of eligibility, the fee will be held and credited as payment for graduation during either of the following two consecutive semesters, including the summer session. If the candidate has not completed degree requirements during this time period, no refund will be granted. The candidate will need to file a new degree application, and a new fee will be charged.
Late Submissions
Students who submit their degree applications late may be omitted from the Commencement program, may have delays in the delivery of their diplomas, and may be unable to obtain a cap and gown for Commencement.
Hartford Art School
College of Arts and Sciences
Margie Mathews
Lauren Szalkiewicz
Kelly McGeever
Barney School of Business
Dawn Zumbroski (Undergraduates)
Erin Murray (Graduates)
Cynthia Waters (Cigna MBA cohort program)
Hillyer College
Lauren Szalkiewicz
Fran Altvater
College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
Sue Aliberti (Undergraduates)
Laurie Granstrand (Graduates)